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Spiritual Energy Audit: Where is your energy going anyways?

There are times in our lives when we are exhausted and it's obvious why - we are experiencing a major life change like a job loss or a divorce or the death of a loved one or serious illness.  

But there are plenty of times in life when you're exhausted and it's not so obvious exactly why or when it started. 

Or you aren't exhausted but you aren't feeling invigorated by life, things seem fine or pretty good but something is whispering to you, that it could be better - that you're here for more (fyi: it's your intuition :)  

No matter what brought you to this blog post, go through the following assessment and gain some insight into what you can do to move forward from wherever you are at right now :) 

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most amazing/positive and 1 being exhausted/negative, rate your answers for the following questions: (bonus action - journal about each question and reflect on your responses)

.1 How do you feel at the end of a typical week? 

.2 How expansive do you feel on average during the day? 

.3 How do you talk to yourself most of the time?  Are you your own bff or mortal enemy?  

.4 How connected do you feel to the ones you love? 

.5 How connected do you feel to Nature? 

.6 How connected do you feel to the Divine/God/the universe/magic?


 If you typically answered 3 or less: 

 You are likely generally detached from what brings you joy, happiness and laugher - which happens to the best of us sometimes!  Whether it's from major life events or from just letting our lives run away with us unconsciously.  No worries though - you can get back on track!  When you are tapped into Love and Joy, you're life becomes more fulfilling, even if you are literally still doing the a lot of the same daily things. 

For the next few weeks, I want you to just notice your life as you're going through it.  Bring a pocket journal or make notes on your phone - when you notice you're doing something or are with someone that makes you feel good.  Use these as clues, of things to make more time for or do more often within your life.  Follow your joy and laughter and love, and you will begin to plug back into the best parts of life :)  And in the meantime - get out in nature more often - it's healing balm for your soul.  


 If you typically answered between 4-6: 

 Your life is humming along and whether you consciously created it or not, you aren't overly satisfied with where you are right now but that's ok cause noticing is the first step to changing things :)  Take some time to yourself to journal and daydream - what would your ideal life look like?  More specifically, how would you like to feel?  Write down all the words that come to mind when you think of how your ideal day or life would feel.  Then circle your top 10.  Write these down in places you will see - like on the fridge, on your bathroom mirror, at your desk.  Use them to help you make decisions - when considering to do something new, or say no to something, whether to watch more tv or go for a walk in nature, you get the drift :)  


If you typically answered 7 or over: 

First of all, congratulations on doing pretty well overall - that's fantastic! :)  For the most part you have created a life you love, you just feel like it could work a little better or could have deeper meaning.  I encourage you to sit quietly on your own and daydream and journal about tweaks you can make to your life that would add more meaning and connection to it - here are some brainstorming ideas/questions to get you started:

a) meditate more often - meditation is key to opening up the door to your Divine Wisdom as wide as possible.  This will make all your other efforts more purposeful, as you'll be making tweaks based on your soul's desire and not on an ego based desire.

b) Sacred Rise - take time out in the morning to start your day off right, the rest of your day will flow with more ease and grace.  We talk about this in Wellspring Goddess Collective, encouraging women to create a sacred space for themselves each day, so they can connect with the magic of the universe/Divine/God/Goddess.  

c)  what is your number#1 limiting belief that is keeping you from your personal next level?  What could you tell yourself instead, that is more supportive of your future self?  Try to create a phrase or a word that your body physically resonates with, as it'll stick with you far better than something you don't resonate with.  For example - limiting belief 1: I have nothing to offer.  New belief: My message/mission is important to other people's healing; limiting belief 2: I have nothing to contribute.  New belief 2:  I am a Divine Being who is here for a reason. 

d) What aren't you saying no to, that you should be? 

e) Can you delegate anything to make time for more of what you love or what energizes you?  Either to family, friends, co-workers, or through paid work like, a cleaning person, laundry service, babysitter, and so on - get creative :) 

f) what hard conversation are you putting off?  


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