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Keeping Perspective: Through Separation and Divorce

hope Oct 23, 2016

I had the opportunity to visit Halifax a few weekends ago - it’s a city I love and I have great history there!  I also have a 98 year old step-Nana who lives there and so I made sure to take the time to pop in and visit her.

And am I ever glad I did.

It had been two years since we last connected, and she continues to be so positive and upbeat about life – it’s amazing!  Obviously, at 98 years of age, one can’t help but have a unique perspective on life.  And by now, she’s clearly learnt how to roll with the ebb and flow of life, complete with all it’s struggles and all it’s miracles.  And she’s chosen to walk through it, with her head up and with a deep knowing that the tough times will pass and she’ll get through it all.  And she truly has!  It’s so inspiring to me!

So, I’ve taken up the habit of asking myself, when any problem or irritation arises – ‘what would by 98 year...

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What to Do When The Way Through is Unclear

Last eve there was a new moon – hooray!  It’s that time of month where we are asked to start anew – I absolutely love the possibility of that.  Start fresh.  Try something new.  Be a better version of yourself.

Whatever you’ve been struggling with, whatever is getting you down, whatever habit you want to stop doing.  The universe hands you another chance to start fresh, to try again, whatever you like.

When a situation feels hopeless and it’s impossible to see the right way out of it, I’ve taken this on as my mantra: Just Do The Next Right Thing.

And it’s amazing!

It really helps me drill down on what exactly I can do in this moment.  It moves me away from drowning in the hopelessness of a complex problem or situation that has no obvious positive outcome.

And with my kids, when they are pressing my buttons and I’m tired and just have little patience – this thought comes to mind - 'Just Do The Next...

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